(Extract from the preface of the sheet music edition): The present 1st album for
Alexandra, op. 38 has arisen from the wish to make a part of the traditional German children's songs appear in a new "garb" by means of arranged versions
and to make them more accessible to a greater extent for home music use by means of a more complex piano setting as well as by means of the trio arrangement. The
usual editions of the children's songs are usually - unfortunately still! - limited to the reproduction of monophonic melodies, to which simple chord symbols are
added only in rare cases.
The recorder was deliberately integrated into the arrangement, as it still enjoys great popularity among many children and young people as an "initial instrument".
As a consequence, the disposition of the keys in this album was especially conceived with regard to the range and technical characteristics of this
instrument. Technical difficulties (e.g. keys that are difficult to play, pitches that are too high, etc.) should not hinder access to the song arrangements.
Of course, the choice of keys also had to take into account the vocal ranges of children and adolescents.
In the 4-part piano setting, I have essentially oriented myself in the basic harmonic structure to the listening habits that have crystallised over time for
the "harmonic accompaniment apparatus" of these children's songs; nevertheless, there are some harmonic (and other!) surprises.
The piano setting can also serve to give young pianists a first acquaintance with the harmonic laws of traditional (and not quite so traditional!) tonality,
which experience has shown to be easier with the help of familiar melodies.
»» see also: 2nd album for Alexandra, op. 42 (Christmas carols)
1st: Alle meine Entchen (lyrics: German/Portuguese)
»» all song lyrics are in the sheet music volume.
2nd: Alle Vögel sind schon da
3rd: Auf einem Baum ein Kuckuck saß
4th: Bi-ba-butzemann (using a theme from "The Magic Flute" by Mozart)
5th: Bruder Jacob (using a theme from the 1st symphony by Mahler)
6th: Brüderchen, komm, tanz mit mir!
7th: Der Herbst ist da!
8th: Der Kuckuck und der Esel (using a theme from "The Magic Flute" by Mozart)
9th: Die Tiroler sind lustig
10th: Dornröschen
11th: Drei Chinesen mit dem Kontrabass
12th: Eia popeia, was raschelt im Stroh?
13th: Ein Männlein steht im Walde
14th: Ein Vogel wollte Hochzeit machen (using a theme from "The Magic Flute" by Mozart)
15th: Es klappert die Mühle
16th: Es waren zwei Königskinder
17th: Fuchs, du hast die Gans gestohlen
18th: Grüß Gott, du schöner Maien
19th: Hänschen klein
20th: Hänsel und Gretel
21st: Hoppe, hoppe Reiter
22nd: Horch, was kommt von draußen rein?
23rd: Ich geh’ mit meiner Laterne
24th: In Mutter’s Stübele
25th: Kolumbus (using the American national anthem)
26th: Kuckuck, Kuckuck
27th: Laterne, Laterne
28th: Muss i denn zum Städtele hinaus?
29th: Oh, du lieber Augustin
30th: Schlaf, Kindlein schlaf!
31st: Schneeflöckchen, Weißröckchen (using a theme from the Concerto for violin and orchestra, in A major, KV 219, by Mozart)
32nd: Summ, summ, summ!
33rd: Weißt du wie viel’ Sternlein stehen?
34th: Wenn ich ein Vöglein wär’
35th: Wer hat die schönsten Schäfchen?
36th: Winter, ade!
37th: Zum Geburtstag (melody = "Happy birthday to you"; German lyrics by Alexander Villinger)
● German children's song collection
● for my daughter Alexandra to her 5th birthday
● AlexiSongs (»» extract from: score)