"Booziana", op. 40

suite in three scenes for horn in F, violin and piano

(= trio #5)

Composed: 1998

Instrumentation: see subtitle

Duration (total): 61:30

(1st = 12:20; 2nd = 8:40; 3rd = 4:20; 4th = 9:00; 5th = 4:00; 6th = 7:00; 7th = 7:20; 8th = 8:00)

3 scenes:

Alex. Villinger: Booziana, op.40

Ist scene: "AEBAT"

1st: "klassische" Ouvertüre

2nd: Ballad

3rd: Choral "Die ihr seid drei in Einigkeit ..." (using the Bach choral: Der du bist drei in Einigkeit)

4th: Marcia funebre (Heike Frisch in memoriam)

IInd scene: "SACUL"

5th: Luc.t@lu.eins-Song

6th: Luc.t@lu.zwei-Song

IIIrd scene: "AICUL"

7th: Interludium

8th: Finale


● for Tabea, Lucas and Lucia Booz


AlexiSongs (»» extract from: score)


Booziana, op.40